Sunday, March 4, 2007

Nature Monkey

Here's the monkey I spied on my walk to the cliffs. Poor thing's face is disappearing.

Dad's Monkey

Thursday, March 1, 2007

My Monkey

Click on him for an extreme close-up.


Hello and welcome to the new and glorious MONKEYS ON SURFBOARDS BLOG! I've recently - to my surprise - come across several monkeys on surfboards lurking in unsuspected places, and I was curious to know how many other people tend to come across them. Please email me pictures of monkeys on surfboards that you've found, along with where the little bugger was hiding.

My dad has had a monkey on a surfboard as long as I can remember. His brother had one as well. I'd never seen any anywhere else, but last week I saw one at the Shell Shop in OB. He's now in my living room. A few days later, I was taking a walk and saw another money peeping out from behind a plant. I'm beginning to think these guys are more common than I once thought. Show me if that is the case by sending me pix of ones you may come across.

I will post my pictures of monkeys soon so you can see what they look like.
